Study for the recording/ updating the current situation of the national transport network (road, railway, maritime, air and transport terminals)

Study for the recording/ updating the current situation of the national transport network (road, railway, maritime, air and transport terminals)

Client / User: Hellenic Ministry of Infrastructure, Transport and Networks

Start / End date: July 2011 – February 2012


The project’s main objective is the recording of the available data and their updating in regards to the current situation for the total of the national transport infrastructure network (road network, railway network, ports, airports, intermodal transport nodal points) as well as the identification of substantial deviations in relation to the institutionalized Trans European Networks which will be accompanied with a proposal for the re-planning of the Greek parts of the TEN-T, in order to comply to the immediate needs for consultation and finalization of the European Transport Plan. The proposals for the re-planning of the network for the addiction/ withdrawal of network parts and nodal points, but also concerning their classification within the core or comprehensive network which must be adequately justified in order to document the rationale of interventions/ modifications. The abovementioned services are being provided to the Task Team for the TEN-T of the Ministry of Infrastructure, Transport and Networks so that there is timely response of the Greek authorities concerning its obligations towards the European Commission. Furthermore, support is provided to the aforementioned Task Team during the whole duration of the contract.

The subject of the project includes the following:

– Review and critical assessment of the transport policy in Greece during the past 20 year period (Work Package/ WP1).
– Assessment of investments and elaboration of proposals for the re-planning of the Greek TEN-T in the context of Europe 2020 (WP2).
– Elaboration of standards and Tender documents for the «Study for the Strategic Planning of the Greek Transport Network with time horizon “2030”’» (WP3).
– Technical support to the TEN-T Task Team
– Final Report (WP5).

The role of TREDIT:

Participation to the total of the subjects contracted.
Responsible for carrying out:
– WP 1: Review and critical assessment of the transport policy in Greece during the past 20 year period
– WP 3: Elaboration of standards and Tender documents for the «Study for the Strategic Planning of the Greek Transport Network with time horizon “2030”’»
– WP 4: Technical support to the TEN-T Task Team
– WP 5: Final Report