MEDA MoS II is a EUROMED Regional Transport Project funded by EuropeAid and its main objective is the elaboration of a Master Plan for the development of Motorways of the Seas for the ENPI South countries (MEDA countries). The project has a budget of approximately 6 Mil. Euros and a total duration of 3 years. TREDIT belongs to a consortium of nine companies under the leadership of ARUP from the UK.
The project follow-ups to the first Mediterranean Motorways of the Seas programme (MEDA MoS I). In addition to continuing the actions set-up under the prior programme the MEDA MoS II also has an enlarged focus on hinterland connections and the links between ports and logistical centers. The basic idea behind this is the Motorways of the Seas concept establishing a door-to-door reliable, efficient, integrated and frequent intermodal transport connection.
The main activities of the Project are the following:
-Awareness-raising and capacity building for Motorways of the Seas in the ENPI South
-Implementation of a programme focused on regulatory reforms
-Promotion of the integration of MEDA Motorways of the Seas in the overall TransMediterranean Transport (TMT) network
-Communication activities