Customer: Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Duration: November 2003 – October 2004
The PISTA project aims at the implementation of an interoperable system for electronic fee collection – EFC, from the subscribers – users of the main highways in Europe. At the implementation of the project participate enough European countries such as Denmark, France, Greece and Spain. In the context of the Greek participation there are three basic Greek Highway Management Authorities: National highways funds, Egnatia odos S.A. & Attiki odos .S.A, as well as Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. The Greek pilot of the project is based at the implementation of a Greek cluster for data exchange and clearing of the Electronic fee collection systems of the above-mentioned authorities. Basic scope of the Greek pilot is it’s embodying into the European pilot, to achieve interoperability at international level.
Projects objective comprise the development of the software core, which will collect and administrate the data from the other hubs and will automate the transaction between them.
The project consist in the design of system architecture, requirements and specifications definition of the equipment related to the information technology, and the basic application, which will implement the main scope of the Greek pilot of the PISTA project.
Role of TREDIT:
– Analysis and design of the architecture of the central system for the direct implementation of clearing connection between the Greek pilots of PISTA.
– Definition of the Specifications of the necessary equipment in the context of the natural architecture of the informational system.
– Development of administration applications.
– Installation of the pilot application and check of its operation.