New Technologies in maritime transport interacting with the HumAn eLement: ASSESsment of impacts – THALASSES

New Technologies in maritime transport interacting with the HumAn eLement: ASSESsment of impacts – THALASSES

Customer: EU DG VII, Transport Programme

Duration: January 1998 – November 1999

The main objective of THALASSES is the assessment of the socio-economic impacts of new technological concepts in maritime transport on the human element.
THALASSES research methodology covers the fields of emerging technologies in maritime transport, human factors and working cultures, and provides innovative methods and tools for the socio-economic impacts assessment and the cost-benefit analysis of the implementation of new technologies.
THALASSES will expand the knowledge basis in the field of the assessment of socio-economic impacts of new technologies in maritime transport by integrating the results of completed and on-going research in related fields. A major goal of THALASSES is to maintain the E.U. lead in the examination of these issues which is based on projects completed in the 2nd and 3rd Framework Programmes and on-going projects of the 4th Framework Programme. The original research focus set by ATOMOS (Advanced technologies to optimise manpower on board ships) concentrated on implementation of technology in order to reduce manning levels. MASIS (Human factors in the man/ ship systems for the European fleets) concentrated on the HMI and searched for ways to increase crew efficiency. THAMES (Technology and human aspects of maritime efficiency and safety) attempted to combine the results of ATOMOS and MASIS and provided the foundation for THALASSES research. THALASSES will build on those research activities and results, and will proceed with the exploration of issues not previously investigated. Apart from the examination of human factors and working cultures (which can also be considered as an innovative contribution to the current state of the art), the major breakthroughs of THALASSES are expected to be the development of the frameworks for the Assessment of the Socio-Economic Impacts and the Cost Benefit Analysis. Moreover, the implications for Marine Education and Training that will be explored and the THALASSES Policy Suggestions are expected to identify measures that will assist increase E.U. competitiveness in maritime transport through the implementation of new technologies.

Role of TREDIT:
– Investigation of working cultures in maritime transport
– Technology assessment of new technologies in maritime transport
– Development of register information system
– Socio-economic impact assessment
– Quality Control
– Administrative management