Architectural, Logistics Innovation Uptake (LOGINN)

Architectural, Logistics Innovation Uptake (LOGINN)


Start / End Date: November 2012 – March 2013


The LOGINN CSA aims at co-ordinating and supporting RTD projects in the logistics area to improve their capabilities to bridge the gap between pilot implementation and marketable solutions. To achieve this goal LOGINN will set up a collaborative platform (Virtual Arena) to allow the main stakeholders of the logistics domain (industry, SMEs, public authorities, investors and research organizations) to work together on promoting innovative transport logistics solutions aiming at increasing efficiency and with a particular focus on intermodal transport.

Over the past decade, several research initiatives have researched and proposed innovative solutions for transport logistics, but the level of adoption in the transport industry has been low, in particular when comparing with other industry sectors. This is due on one side to the transport industry itself, facing issues like a fragmented market structure, price pressure and a high degree of outsourcing, and on the side to the lack of dissemination to relevant stakeholders that has characterized many innovation projects logistics.

LOGINN will drive innovation adoption in transport logistics by taking a holistic approach that considers several mutually reinforcing aspects of innovation: business models, logistics practices and technologies. This approach will favour the customisation of RTD results towards industrial demand solutions, supporting the development of sustainable business plans for European RTD projects, exploiting synergies between European RTD projects to enable a seamless exchange between RTD projects and logistics stakeholders and finally enabling and supporting the access to Investors.

The main results of LOGINN will be an Innovation Action Plan that will integrate the proposed initiatives for market uptake, an Innovation Accelerator and an Innovation toolbox, containing practical guidelines for transport logistics companies interested in innovations boosting intermodal transport and efficiency.

role of TREDIT:

– Workpackage leader related to:
– the identification of Innovative technologies applied in the sector and the classification of these technologies in relevant groups
– the identification of bottlenecks for the uptake of innovative technologies by the market
– Cooperation with other workpackages regarding the identification of bottlenecks for the adoption of innovative business models and new logistics practices in order to identify proposed initiatives for innovation uptake
– Contribution to active discussions through project Virtual Arena
– Participation in dissemination events