Strategic Port Development Planning Consultant

Strategic Port Development Planning Consultant


Start / End: September 2009 – December 2009


The Project was conducted in the context of the actions undertaken by the Ministry of Commercial Shipping, Aegean Sea and Island Policy to promote, within its jurisdictions, the strategic objective of the national transport policy to develop transport in such a way so as to serve the needs of the economic activity as well as the objectives for balanced growth, the competitiveness of the ports and the provision of modern high quality port services with particular emphasis on “safety – fast service – low cost”. A primary precondition for this goal is the existence of adequate infrastructure that will have the capacity firstly to serve the different means of transport and secondly, the need for the development of intermodal transport.

In the context of this project, strategic planning and organization services were provided as well as legal, technical and economic-financial services in order to organize, prioritize and promote the objectives and goals of the Ministry of Commercial Shipping, Aegean Sea and Island Policy, which briefly, amongst others, are as follows:
– Promotion of an overall and rational planning of the port system
– Improvement and/or development of new port infrastructure and superstructure
– Attracting private capital for port investments
– Emergence of the Greek ports into transit and transshipment nodal points
– Assuring the sustainability of Greek ports and strengthening their competitiveness
– Display of the common characteristics of most ports
– Reorganization of the Port Funds and their subjection to the legal status of the PLC
– Evolution, simplification and integration of the institutional framework for the operation of ports
– Admission of more PLC Port Organisations into the Athens Stock Market

The primary activities of the Project are summarized into the following :
– Elaboration of a National Strategic Plan for the Development of Ports (ESSAL)
– Study determining the activities of the port of Stavros of Thessaloniki
– Provision of legal services
– Dissemination of knowledge and experience – Transfer of expertise.

The role of TREDIT:

1. Recoding of the status in the port services market, in the port industry and investigation of international port standards and systems
– Overview of the current status and trends in the port services market
– Overview of practices in the international port industry
– International port standards and systems
– Competitive environment for the ports and their development prospects in this context
2. Definition of strategic objectives in conjunction with the National Port Policy and the European Port Policy
– Assessment of strategic directions of the National Port Policy
– Assessment of strategic directions of the European Port Policy
3. Proposal for connecting the Strategic and Business Plans and Master Plans of the ports to the National Strategic Plan for the Development of Ports
4. Proposal for connecting the National Port Policy and the European Port Policy to the National Strategic Plan for the Development of Ports.