TREDIT participates in OPTIMUM consortium meeting in Athens on 5-7 April 2017

TREDIT participates in OPTIMUM consortium meeting in Athens on 5-7 April 2017

TREDIT participates in OPTIMUM consortium meeting in Athens on 5-7 April 2017

OPTIMUM’s vision is to provide the required interoperability, adaptability and dynamicity in modern transport systems for a proactive and problem-free transportation system. OPTIMUM will establish a largely scalable, distributed architecture for the management and processing of multisource big-data, enabling continuous monitoring of transportation systems needs and proposing proactive decisions and actions in an (semi-) automatic way. OPTIMUM follows a cognitive approach based on the Observe, Orient, Decide, Act loop of the big data supply chain for continuous situational awareness.

OPTIMUM’s goals will be achieved by incorporating and advancing state of the art in transport and traffic modeling, travel behavior analysis, sentiment analysis, big data processing, predictive analysis and real-time event-based processing, persuasive technologies and proactive recommenders. The proposed solution will be deployed in real-life pilots in order to realize challenging use cases in the domains of proactive improvement of transport systems quality and efficiency, proactive charging for freight transport and Car2X communication integration.

TREDIT’s main role focuses on identification of user requirements, business exploitation of developed services as well as orchestrating communication with other ITS projects and coordinating an ITS advisory board within the frame of the project.

More information can be found on