TREDIT S.A hosted the kick off meeting for the project PERFFECT regarding sustainable port development utilizing innovative infrastructure and ICT technologies. PERFFECT project aims to promote the European ports’ environmental profile and the excellence in energy and environmental management and the port performance through novel technological solutions that help monitoring, evaluation, prediction and optimization of the business processes energy efficiency and ports’ infrastructure, as well as the assessment of their environmental behavior.
In this context, PERFFECT will develop an energy and environmental management and decision support integrated system based on innovative energy consumption and simulation models developed to fully and dynamically depict the energy consumption of all key operational processes and port infrastructures, which will allow controlling of the different operating scenarios and the optimal level of energy efficiency of infrastructures, as well as a multisensorial network of energy efficiency and environmental footprint monitoring in real time. PERFFECT also promises the development of a system of sustainable management indicators, which will act as a decision-making tool, allowing for optimal environmental impact assessment using advanced multi-criteria analysis algorithms. Finally, PERFFECT will investigate the development and integration of innovative technologies (e.g. onshore power supply, the use of alternative future fuels such as LNG, etc.), the use of RES in ports and the evaluation of technical and economic aspects of the development of innovative solutions.
Project partners are TREDIT S.A, the Information Technologies Institute CERTH/ITI, the Center for Renewable Energy Sources & Saving (CRES) and Patras Port Authority (OLPA).
The project is co‐financed by the European Union and Greek national funds through the Operational Program Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship and Innovation, under the call RESEARCH – CREATE – INNOVATE.