Computing framework for the risk assessment of the transport of dangerous goods along Attiki Odos and the alternative routes

Computing framework for the risk assessment of the transport of dangerous goods along Attiki Odos and the alternative routes

Customer: CERTH / HIT

Duration: September 2006 – November 2006

The project was financed by the General Secretariat of Cofinanced Public Works, Special Agency of Public Works/Stavros-Elefsina Freeway, West Peripheral Road of Ymittos and Rio-Antirio Bridge (EYDE/SERA) of the Hellenic Ministry for the Environment, Physical Planning and Public Works (YPEXODE) and it concerns the design of necessary guidelines for the planning and management of transporting dangerous goods through tunnels of the Trans-European Road Network, and more specifically through the tunnels of Attica Road. The purpose of the project is the formation of effective methods for managing the transportation of dangerous goods along Attica Road, which will result in the reduction of risk associated with the probability of incident involving dangerous goods as well as their effects in case of accident or leakage.
This target will be achieved with the development of a planning system and respective software for the transportation of dangerous goods through the tunnels of Attica Road and more specifically for liquid fuel-tankers as well as the development of software and respective handbook for the monitoring and handling/managing incidents related to the transportation of dangerous goods.
The work will record the international practice regarding the management for the safe crossing of liquid fuel-tankers along tunnels and cut-and-covers and will analyse the elements concerning the “demand of” transport of dangerous goods on Attica Road.
Based on the above findings, an analytical memorandum of actions will be proposed to YPEXODE that could become official in order for the safety requirements of the Attica Road tunnels to comply with those of the respective EU Directives.

Role of TREDIT:
– Development of software for the transportation planning of dangerous goods along Attica Road – Development of software for the management of incidents involving dangerous goods along Attica Road