Improvement of urban environment quality of air and noise levels, by an integrated, cost effective and multi-level application of clean vehicle technologies – IMMACULATE

Improvement of urban environment quality of air and noise levels, by an integrated, cost effective and multi-level application of clean vehicle technologies – IMMACULATE


Customer: EC – ΓΔ Περιβάλλοντος (LIFE02) ENV/GR/00359

Duration: September 2002 – February 2005

IMMACULATE aims to promote the improvement of urban environment quality of air and noise levels by an innovative combination of clean vehicle technologies for different vehicle types (electric power-assisted bicycles, electric scooters, hybrid passenger cars and natural gas mini buses) with other recent advances in urban transportation schemes (such as application of transport information, management and telematic systems, smart cards technology, mobility management schemes).
The following actions and means are going to be involved:
• Definition of the specific requirements of different user groups and the appropriate scenarios of use.
• Definition of the functional specifications of the vehicles and the state of the art transport telematic applications to be used.
• Development of a training scheme for drivers leading to an “eco-driving” knowledge.
• Organisation and execution of pilot studies employing the use of vehicles and technologies in the city of Thessaloniki, Greece, including 4 power-assisted bicycles, 4 electronic scooters, 1 hybrid passenger car and a natural gas based hybrid mini-bus.
• Technological, socio-economic and usability assessment and performance of a risk analysis of the proposed scheme.
• Monitoring and addressing of legal and organisational issues.
• Performance of a cost-benefit and cost-efficiency analysis estimating the benefits.
• Formulation of application techniques, policy recommendations and projection for other European cities, through a pan-European User Forum, the European Electric Road Vehicle Association.
IMMACULATE will result in the demonstration of an innovative approach for the mitigation of air pollution and noise problems in the city of Thessaloniki with a projection to other European cities through the introduction of a system based on the combination of clean vehicles and advanced transport telematics and management technologies. Furthermore, through its dissemination activities and pilot studies, IMMACULATE works towards formulation of an “eco-consciousness” in the citizens of an urban environment.

Role of TREDIT:
– Development of Smart Cards application
– Equipment installation at the demonstration vehicles